Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Progressive doesn't neccesarily mean open minded

If you have read any of my past posts, you know I am not in favor of political correctness in most forms. I don't know who ever came up with the idea, or who sets the standards, but I have seen PC'ness sometimes cause more damage than good.

I’ve also seen people who claim to be “progressives” be more closed minded than a sealed vault. In my opinion a person who is open minded looks at all sides, hears all opinions, considers all aspects, and then makes a judgment or opinion based on what they think is the absolute best for all. Instead, I see them leaning and only leaning to the PC side and that’s the end of it. However, they will listen to what you have to say and then tell you what you’re saying is wrong, all while skirting the issue.
Some things are just wrong. Call them hunches, call them cautious, call them gut feelings, and then call up the facts to back up all your feelings and you still get people who tell you that YOU are the one being close-minded.
I, again, am talking about Cordoba House being built so close to where the World Trade Towers used to stand. If you go back and do some research, the name Cordoba is a city is Spain that was conquered by Muslims in the Middle Ages. Shortly after conquering the mostly Christian/Roman Catholic city, the Muslims built a mosque called the Great Mosque of Córdoba right on the site that the Catholic cathedral once stood. Building the Mosque at that site was a sign of victory to the Islam religion. This is a pattern that would repeat itself throughout the rest of history.
I listened to an interview with Timothy Brown yesterday. He was a NYPD firefighter who was there at the World Trade Center the day the towers were attacked by terrorists. He is currently in a support group for the families that lost people in the attack. He is also friends with many American Muslims. He said that most New Yorkers are opposed to the Mosque being built in this location. Let me emphasize that no one is against a Mosque being built (there are currently over 100 Mosques in NYC), just not at this location. At one point, there would be a distance of 300 feet from this center to a corner of ground zero. He has had many American and Canadian Muslims contact him and tell him that they believe that this Mosque is being built as a sign of victory. In fact these people have already nicknamed it Islam’s Victory Tower. These are Muslims, people! And they fear for themselves and their families against retaliation from Islamic radicals. Open your ears and eyes to what is going on under your nose and give a crap!
So, my question for all of you out there who think that building this “bridge of peace” at this very location is a good thing because that is what you have been led to believe or because you think it is PC to believe so; why are the Muslims behind this project vehemently refusing to relocate? USA Today reported that 3 out of 5 New Yorkers are against the building of this center at this location. There has to be a purpose/agenda for this Imam to build at this spot and to ironically want to dedicate it on 9/11. If he is truly a peace builder, as he claims to be, he would have taken this project and immediately moved it somewhere else. Somewhere that didn’t evoke this much emotion from American citizens.
If the American/Canadian Muslims think this is a victory tower for the terrorist attack in NY, then a lot of people are having the wool, or something worse pulled over their eyes.
Seriously, I would much rather question the actions and motives of this project and be WRONG, than be open armed and giggly warm with diversity and PC’ness and be RIGHT about there being evil intent behind this project.
Nothing wrong with being cautious, everything wrong with being clueless.

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