I have made it successfully through a weekend! It was not easy, but it's over. Phew. By far the hardest time to be different from anyone else. I passed on Friday night Pizza with Jon, passed on Costco lunch with the family on Saturday, and sat at the table Sunday evening and watched while all the family ate our one big meal of the week.
No regrets, I can always catch up with my eating and cravings at a later date.
Things I've noticed so far - Suddenly my daily aches and pains are gone. Like, completely gone. I used to wake up every morning hurting so much and for years have been blaming it on my mattress. I think the juicing has eliminated all of the toxins in my joints that caused me to ache. Incredible.
This is the end of day five juicing, day 8 with the green smoothie fast. This is the day that I started getting my colon cleanse, if you know what I mean.
For the past couple days I have had dry eyes and usually a few doses of eye drops takes care of the problem for another month or so, but this time they just weren't going away. As I lay in bed tonight, it hit me, I have had no oil in my diet lately. I'm no expert, but I wondered if that had anything to do with the uber dryness I've been having. So tomorrow, I plan to add some flax seed oil to my juice and see if that doesn't solve the problem.
I feel good, but I still think about food. The pull to eat or cheat isn't there but I find myself fantasizing about my first whole meal. I feel like I'm pressuring myself to make it super special or to go somewhere that I really love. Is that normal? I don't know, but it seems to be for me. I just want a date night with my hubby!
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