Wow. Waking up today was not pretty. My head was pounding from a major headache. I felt like I hadn't slept at all the night before. My body moved so slow and my mind even slower. Every movement I made the entire day was difficult. However, from reading experiences other people had on juice fasts, I expected my body to go through a detox phase, I just didn't expect it so soon or for it to slam me so hard.
I pushed through it. All day I reminded myself of why I was doing this.
Even though I was claiming that I was living a vegan lifestyle, I wasn't eating 100% raw; I was probably at 60% to 70% with the remaining being made up of carbs and sugar. I had gotten so addicted to sweets again that I found myself coming into work early, raiding the sin bin (chocolate drawer), grabbing up a bunch of mini-candy bars and throwing them in my desk drawer. Instead of allowing myself a treat once or twice a day, I would sit there and eat all of them like a robot; not even thinking about it. It's amazing how fast bad habits can form and it takes 3 times longer to form good ones! Today that drawer was literally screaming my name all freakin' day long. My will held out and looking back I have no idea how I resisted. I was so ready to give up because it's in my nature not to follow through with things that are hard.
I, Kris Thorne, am a closet cheater when it comes to food. But this time I really want to succeed, so I am coming clean. I am being completely honest with myself and not rationalizing that "just eating this one handful of chips will be OK," or "no one will know if I go to Pizza Hut and get a personal pan pizza for lunch and then to Sonic for a Route 44 Diet Coke." I made the decision that I would know. I had to be honest with myself. I didn't care what anybody else thought, heck Jon would be perfectly happy if I let junk food back in my life, cause then he would have someone to eat it with and I wouldn't be shoving green smoothies down his throat!
I made it through the day. It was not the easiest of my life and I buckled and took some Tylenol that night before bed just to have a peaceful sleep. But I have to be honest, the thought of drinking smoothies for another day was not sitting to well. I just keep telling myself "One more day."
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