Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Smoothie Fast Day Three

I woke up this morning feeling soooooooooo much better! My head only hurt slightly, nothing like the vice grip I had experienced the day before. I was still not looking forward to downing another smoothie, but today I decided to mix things up a bit and boy, was I rewarded!
Jon had a hernia surgery scheduled for today and we had to be at the hospital by 6 am. I didn't know if I would have time to come home and "eat," so I hurried and made my breakfast. 

Today's smoothie was:
5 cups of spinach
1 cup of kale
1 cup of carrots
1 tbsp flax seed oil
1 slice lemon with peel
1/2" ginger
2 cups mixed berries

This revived my appetite to go on and make it another day!

Today was great. I had energy, mental clarity, and the draw of outside food was waning quite a bit.

My new Hurom 100 Slow Juicer arrived today and I cannot wait to try it out. I'm crossing my fingers that I won't have to experience another detox day, so time will tell!

Oh, and Jon is doing great! And he seems to like this new smoothie better that the others I was making. Bonus.

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