Friday, August 3, 2012

Juice Feast day 2

Day two of juice feast day is behind me. It would have gone great if I hadn't been a little too zealous with my new juicer. For my sweet juice I used spinach (about 5 or 6 cups) and 1 1/2 oranges and about 7 strawberries. It was quite tasty. My throughout the day juice was a disaster. I just pulled stuff out of my fridge and just went crazy. Spinach, kale, celery, carrots, a whole beet with greens, 1/4 of a cucumber, an orange, 1 apple, and a wedge of one lemon.  Here's a tip for you. Don't ever use a whole beet in your juicing. Every time I took a drink I felt like I was drinking dirt. But being the trooper that I am, and because I didn't have anything else for lunch, I endured. About every 30 minutes I went in and drank about 4-5 swallows and followed it with a lemon water chaser. It's the only way I could get it down. 

Thanks to the most wonderful juicing support group I am doing this juice fast with, I got all sorts of great ideas for the next days juices. The best recipe to follow is simplicity. I put too many flavors into one juice and expected goodness. I think it's best to stick with 4-5 ingredients for a good, appetizing outcome.

Since finishing the 3 day smoothie fast and now wrapping up the 2nd day of my juice fast, I am pretty confident that my detox day hit on day 2 of the smoothie fast, because so far, that's the only day I've had to restrain myself from hurting someone. I was very surprised at how fast I would enter the detox zone; I was thinking it would be closer to day 4 or 5, like when you give up soda or sweets. 

The craving for foods has diminished a little more each day, my energy level is good, and my sleeping would be awesome if I could get past having to get up between 3-4am every morning to go potty. Not something I'm used to, but I think multiple trips to the terlet are a side effect of drinking all your calories and all the lemon water each day.

When I was telling Jon one day that I missed chewing (and come on, chewing your smoothie or juice is just NOT the same; admit it!) he suggested that I take some of my extra juice and put it into Popsicle molds. I thought that was a great idea! So last night as we were sitting out on the porch reading, he eating his ice cream drumstick, me eating my fresh juiced frozen treat, it felt great. Did I cheat? I don't know. Someone will have to tell me!

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